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VQL for Cost Reports

This page describes how to use VQL when querying Cost Reports in API or using the Terraform Provider.

Cost Reports VQL Schema

VQL comprises two namespaces: costs and tags, which represent the available filters on Cost Reports in the Vantage console. To reference a filter, use the following syntax: namespace.field (e.g., costs.provider or

NamespaceFieldVQL Example
costsproviderProviders example
allocationCost allocation example
regionRegion example
marketplaceMarketplace example
account_idAccount ID example
provider_account_idProvider account ID example
serviceService example
categoryCategory example
subcategorySubcategory example
resource_idResource example
charge_typeCharge Type example

Availability of the fields listed above varies among different cloud providers. For a comprehensive list of available fields per provider, see the Data Dictionary.


VQL includes a set of keywords to create complex filter conditions. These keywords function similar to their SQL equivalents.

KeywordDescriptionVQL SampleExplanation
ANDLogical AND operatorcosts.provider = 'aws' AND costs.service = 'EC2'This example filters AWS costs for the EC2 service, where both conditions must be true.
ORLogical OR operatorcosts.provider = 'azure' OR costs.provider = 'aws'This example retrieves costs from either Azure or AWS. At least one condition must be true.
INUsed to compare against an array listcosts.provider = 'azure' AND costs.account_id IN ('account-1', 'account-2')This example filters based on a list of account IDs, returning data for the specified accounts

You can also use IN along with a special syntax for filtering by multiple tags. See Filter by Multiple Tags for details.
LIKEPerforms string comparisonscosts.provider = 'gcp' AND = 'environment' AND tags.value LIKE '%prod%'This example selects data where the tag value contains prod, such as production-1.
Note that at this time, LIKE is not compatible with costs.account_id, costs.provider_account_id, costs.region, and costs.service.
NOTRepresents negationcosts.provider = 'aws' AND costs.region NOT IN ('us-east-1', 'us-east-2')This example filters out data from both specified regions, providing all AWS costs not in these regions. Use NOT IN to specify a list of single or multiple values.

You can also use the != or <> operators for "is not."

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.region != 'us-east-1'

You can use NOT LIKE to perform string comparisons:

costs.provider = 'gcp' AND = 'environment' AND tags.value NOT LIKE '%prod%'

With these keywords, you can construct complex filter conditions in VQL, providing flexibility and precision when querying and analyzing cloud cost data.


You can think of VQL in its current iteration as the WHERE clause of a SQL query. By combining the schema and keywords above with parentheses, you can form complex filter operations, such as:

costs.provider = 'mongo' AND costs.allocation = 1.0 AND (costs.service = 'REALM' AND costs.resource_id IN ('s3')) OR (costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.allocation = 1.0 AND costs.account_id IN ('123456798'))

VQL Examples

The following examples cover common use cases for VQL.

Combining Providers


To reference a Custom Provider in VQL queries, navigate to the Integrations page. Use the displayed Provider ID (e.g., custom_provider:accss_crdntl_123a45bfdaf38765).

Filter for provider costs associated with either MongoDB Atlas or AWS.

costs.provider = 'mongo' OR costs.provider = 'aws'

Cost Allocation

Set cost allocation to 0.5.

costs.provider = 'gcp' AND costs.allocation = 0.5

Costs from a List of Regions

Filter for Snowflake costs in two regions. Note that you will need to use the region code, such as us-east-1 in the case of AWS, or AWS_US_EAST_1 in the case of Snowflake, below.

costs.provider = 'snowflake' AND costs.region IN ('AWS_US_EAST_1', 'AWS_US_EAST_2')

Get Marketplace Transactions

Retrieve costs associated with the AWS Marketplace.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.marketplace = true

Costs by Account ID

Costs for a specific set of services and account ID.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.account_id = '123456758' AND costs.service IN ('Amazon Relational Database', 'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Compute')

Costs by Provider Account ID

The following example represents costs from a specific AWS billing account or costs from a specific Azure subscription.

(costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.provider_account_id = 'abcd1234') OR (costs.provider = 'azure' AND costs.provider_account_id = 'abcd1234')

Per-Resource Costs and Costs by Service

Resource costs require both provider and service in addition to the resource_id.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.service = 'Amazon Relational Database Service' AND costs.resource_id = 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789:db:primary-01'

Multiple Resource IDs

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.service = 'Amazon Relational Database Service' AND costs.resource_id IN ('arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789:db:primary-01', 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789:db:primary-02')

Costs by Specific Category

Filter costs to see a specific cost category. Category costs require both provider and service as well as category.

costs.provider = 'fastly' AND costs.service = 'CDN' AND costs.category = 'Data Transfer'

Costs by Specific Subcategory

Filter costs by a specific service and subcategory. Subcategory costs require both provider and service as well as subcategory.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.service = 'AWS Certificate Manager' AND costs.subcategory = 'USE1-PaidPrivateCA'

Cost by Charge Type

Filter costs by a specific charge type.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.charge_type = 'Usage'

Filter by Tag

Filter by Single Tag

Filter costs based on a specific tag, such as environment, with the value production, in AWS.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND = 'environment' AND tags.value = 'production'

Filter for Multiple Values from a Single Tag Key

If you want to filter for multiple tag values that are tied to one tag key (e.g., costs tagged with the team tag of mobile and data), use the below syntax.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND = 'team' AND tags.value IN ('mobile', 'data')

Filter by Multiple Tags

If you want to filter for resources that have more than one tag associated, you can use the syntax shown in the example below.

costs.provider = 'aws' AND (, tags.value) IN (('environment', 'staging'), ('team', 'engineering'))

This example filters for resources that are tagged with the environment tag with a value of staging as well as the team tag with a value of engineering. This filter is the same as creating the following manual filter in the console.

Filter by multiple tags in the console

Filter for Matching Tags Using LIKE

costs.provider = 'azure' AND = 'environment' AND tags.value LIKE '%prod%'

Filter for Untagged Resources

On providers that have a Not Tagged/Not Labeled filter option in the console, you can use the below VQL to see untagged resources. This example looks for untagged resources in a multi-cloud environment.

(costs.provider = 'aws' AND = NULL) OR (costs.provider = 'azure' AND = NULL) OR (costs.provider = 'gcp' AND = NULL)


If you are receiving an error when trying to complete a query, check the following troubleshooting tips below.

  • Each provider exposes certain names to the API. Those names are normalized within the schema. Check the Data Dictionary for normalized field names.

  • Query parameter values should be wrapped in single quotes.

    Click to view examples
    This works
    This does not work
  • Currently, there is a limitation where AND and OR are not supported together in a single "query group."

    Click to view examples
    This works
    (costs.provider = 'aws' AND = 'environment' AND tags.value = 'dev') OR (costs.provider = 'aws' AND = 'environment' AND tags.value = 'prod')
    This does not work
    costs.provider = 'aws' AND (( = 'environment' AND tags.value = 'dev') OR ( = 'environment' AND tags.value = 'prod'))
  • The costs.provider field is required on every call.

    Click to view examples
    This works
    costs.provider = 'fastly' AND costs.service = 'CDN'
    This does not work
    costs.service = 'CDN'
  • Resource costs require both provider and service in addition to the resource ID.

    Click to view examples
    This works
    costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.service = 'Amazon Relational Database Service' AND costs.resource_id = 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789:db:primary-01'
    This does not work
    costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.resource_id = 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789:db:primary-01'
  • Category and subcategory costs also require provider and service.

    Click to view examples
    These work
    costs.provider = 'fastly' AND costs.service = 'CDN' AND costs.category = 'Data Transfer'
    costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.service = 'AWS Certificate Manager' AND costs.subcategory = 'USE1-PaidPrivateCA'
    These do not work
    costs.provider = 'fastly' AND costs.category = 'Data Transfer'
    costs.provider = 'aws' AND costs.subcategory = 'USE1-PaidPrivateCA'