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Vantage integrates with your OpenAI account using the OpenAI Usage API endpoint and an API key.


The Usage endpoint is currently undocumented, but it provides structured cost data broken down by operation (e.g., Chat Completion or Embedding) and model (e.g., GPT-3.5-turbo).

The following models are supported:

  • Language models: GPT-4, GPT-3.5
  • GPT-3 fine-tuning models: Ada, Babbage, Curie, and Davinci
  • Embedding models: Ada
  • Image models: DALL-E
  • Audio models: Whisper

All models of the following operations are supported:

  • Completions
  • Chat Completions
  • Edits
  • Images
  • Embeddings
  • Audio (Translations and Transcriptions)
  • Fine-tunes
  • Moderations


Create a free Vantage account, then follow the steps below to generate an OpenAI API key.

Create a Connection

  1. Navigate to the API Keys page of the OpenAI console.
  2. In the Default organization section, select the OpenAI organization you want Vantage to connect.
    Click to view example image
    Default Organization section in OpenAI console
  3. Click + Create new secret key.
  4. For Name, add an identifiable name, like Vantage Integration. For Permissions, select All.

    Vantage will never attempt to write to any endpoints using your API key. Vantage only reads from the Usage endpoint.

    Click to view example image
    Create API key modal with a number 1 next to the Create new secret key button and number 2 next to the input field for the key name
  5. Click Create secret key and copy the generated API key.
    Click to view example image
    A sample API key is displayed on the OpenAI API key console
  6. Navigate to the Connect tab of the OpenAI Settings page in the Vantage console. Then, click Add API Token.
  7. The New OpenAI Account modal is displayed. For API key, paste your previously generated API key. For Description, enter any descriptor to identify that you've added this integration, such as your name.
    Click to view example image
    The API key account modal in the Vantage console with sample data added
  8. Click Connect Account. Costs will be ingested and processed once you add the integration. It usually takes less than 15 minutes to ingest OpenAI costs. As soon as costs are processed, they will be available on your All Resources Cost Report.

OpenAI data refreshes daily in the Vantage console.

Next Steps: Manage Workspace Access

Once your costs are imported, select which workspaces this integration is associated with. See the Workspaces documentation for information.

OpenAI Reporting Dimensions

On OpenAI Cost Reports, you can filter across several dimensions:

  • Organization
  • Operation (e.g., Chat and Completions)
  • Model (e.g., GPT-3.5)