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Provider Data Refresh

For most provider integrations, Vantage refreshes data once every 24 hours. Some providers may have different data refresh schedules, which are listed here.

ProviderRefresh Time
AWSUpdates every 8–12 hours depending on the account.
AzureRefreshes once daily.
Google CloudRefreshes once daily.
KubernetesRefreshes once daily.
DatadogRefreshes once daily.
New RelicRefreshes once daily.
MongoDB AtlasRefreshes once daily.
SnowflakeRefreshes once daily.
DatabricksRefreshes once daily.
FastlyRefreshes once daily.
OracleRefreshes once daily.
ConfluentRefreshes once daily.
PlanetScaleRefreshes once daily.
CoralogixRefreshes once daily.
GitHubRefreshes once daily.
LinodeRefreshes once daily; however, new data is available only after a new invoice has been generated by Akamai, which is typically monthly. When using the Vantage Kubernetes Agent, estimated costs will be based on real-time usage and updated daily in Vantage.
OpenAIRefreshes once daily.
Grafana CloudGrafana Cloud data refreshes daily in the console; however, due to Grafana’s billing process, billing data for the current month becomes available only on the 1st of the following month.
ClickHouse CloudRefreshes once daily.
Temporal CloudRefreshes once daily.
Custom ProvidersRefreshes when you manually add new data.