VQL for Resource Reports
This page describes how to use VQL when querying Resource Reports in the API or using the Terraform Provider.
If you need help constructing a VQL query, navigate to the Resource Reports page and click New Resource Report. From the top left, open the Filters menu. Create a filter and click the View as VQL button at the top of the Filters menu to see a filter's VQL representation. You can copy this syntax to use within your API calls.
Resource Reports VQL Schema
VQL for Resources Reports comprises two namespaces: resources
and tags
, which represent the available filters on Resource Reports in the Vantage console. To reference a filter, use the following syntax: namespace.field
(e.g., resources.region
or tags.name
). The following fields are available within these namespaces.
Namespace | Field | VQL Example |
resources | provider | Providers example |
region | Region example | |
account_id | Account example | |
provider_account_id | Billing Account example | |
type | Resource Type example | |
label | Label example | |
uuid | UUID (AWS ARN) example | |
metadata | Metadata example | |
tags | name | |
value |
Availability of the fields listed above varies among different cloud providers. See the Resource Reports documentation for a full list of filter fields available per provider.
VQL includes a set of keywords to create complex filter conditions. These keywords function similar to their SQL equivalents.
Keyword | Description | VQL Sample | Explanation |
AND | Logical AND operator | resources.provider = 'aws' AND resources.label = '123456' | This example filters AWS resources, with a specific associated label, where both conditions must be true. |
OR | Logical OR operator | (resources.provider = 'aws') OR (resources.provider = 'gcp') | This example retrieves resources from either AWS or GCP. At least one condition must be true. |
LIKE and NOT LIKE | Performs string comparisons | resources.provider = 'aws' AND resources.uuid LIKE '%arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket%'' | This example selects data where the resource ARN contains arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket , such as arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-123 . This same query also works for NOT LIKE where data does not contain a particular string: resources.provider = 'aws' AND resources.uuid NOT LIKE '%arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket%' . |
IN /NOT IN | Used to compare against an array list | (resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.region IN ('ap-northeast-1','ap-northeast-3'))) | This example filters based on a list of regions, returning data for the specified regions You can also use NOT IN to find results that are anything but the items within the list: (resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.region NOT IN ('ap-northeast-1','ap-northeast-3'))) |
!= | Represents negation, "is not" | resources.provider = 'azure' AND (resources.type != 'azurerm_public_ip' AND resources.type != 'azurerm_kubernetes_cluster') | This example filters out data from two specified resource types, providing all Azure resources that are not these types. |
< , > , <= , >= | Mathematical operators for numerical queries | resources.provider = 'azure' AND (resources.type = 'azurerm_virtual_machine' AND resources.metadata->>'virtual_machine_size' > '7') | This example looks for Virtual Machines that have a size greater than 7. |
->> | This operator is used only when constructing queries related to metadata | resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.type = 'aws_instance' AND resources.metadata->>'architecture' = 'x86_64') | This example looks for EC2 instances with an architecture of x86_64 . |
With these operators and keywords, you can construct complex filter conditions in VQL.
VQL Examples
The following examples cover common use cases for VQL.
Combining Providers
Filter for provider resources associated with either AWS or GCP.
(resources.provider = 'aws') OR (resources.provider = 'gcp')
Costs from a List of Regions
Filter for AWS costs in two regions. Note that you will need to use the region code, such as us-east-1
resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.region = 'us-east-1' OR resources.region = 'us-west-1')
Costs by Account ID
Costs for a specific set of resource types and account ID.
resources.provider = 'gcp' AND (resources.account_id = 'user-proj-1234') AND (resources.type = 'google_compute_disk' OR resources.type = 'google_compute_instance')
Costs by Billing Account
Costs for a specific billing account.
resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.provider_account_id = '11111111111')
Costs by Resource Type
Filter costs to see a specific resource type. In the example below, the query is looking for any AWS resource that is not an AWS CloudFront Distribution. Resource types are represented like aws_cloudfront_distribution
. Expand the box below for a list of all available resource types and their VQL equivalents.
resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.type != 'aws_cloudfront_distribution')
Resource Type VQL Representations
Provider | VQL Representation | Friendly Name |
AWS | aws_batch_job_definition | Batch Job Definition |
AWS | aws_mq_broker | MQ Broker |
AWS | aws_cloudfront_distribution | CloudFront Distribution |
AWS | aws_cloudtrail | CloudTrail |
AWS | aws_codebuild_project | CodeBuild Project |
AWS | aws_codepipeline | CodePipeline |
AWS | aws_config_config_rule | Config Rule |
AWS | aws_ecr_repository | ECR Repository |
AWS | aws_ecs_service | ECS Service |
AWS | aws_docdb_cluster_instance | DocumentDB Cluster Instance |
AWS | aws_route53_zone | Route 53 Zone |
AWS | aws_dynamodb_table | DynamoDB Table |
AWS | aws_ec2_reserved_instance | EC2 Reserved Instance |
AWS | aws_eks_cluster | EKS Cluster |
AWS | aws_elasticache_cluster | ElastiCache Cluster |
AWS | aws_efs_file_system | EFS File System |
AWS | aws_elasticsearch_domain | Elasticsearch Domain |
AWS | aws_lambda_function | Lambda Function |
AWS | aws_glacier_vault | Glacier Vault |
AWS | aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator | Global Accelerator |
AWS | aws_glue_job | Glue Job |
AWS | aws_internet_gateway | Internet Gateway |
AWS | aws_eip | Elastic IP |
AWS | aws_msk_cluster | MSK Cluster |
AWS | aws_kms_key | KMS Key |
AWS | aws_lb | Load Balancer |
AWS | aws_cloudwatch_log_group | CloudWatch Log Group |
AWS | aws_mediaconnect_flow | MediaConnect Flow |
AWS | aws_mediaconvert_job | MediaConvert Job |
AWS | aws_medialive_channel | MediaLive Channel |
AWS | aws_media_package_channel | MediaPackage Channel |
AWS | aws_media_package_vod_asset | MediaPackage VOD Asset |
AWS | aws_media_store_container | MediaStore Container |
AWS | aws_media_tailor_channel | MediaTailor Channel |
AWS | aws_media_tailor_playback_configuration | MediaTailor Playback Configuration |
AWS | aws_nat_gateway | NAT Gateway |
AWS | aws_network_interface | Network Interface |
AWS | aws_outposts_outpost | Outposts Outpost |
AWS | aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list | EC2 Managed Prefix List |
AWS | aws_db_instance | RDS Instance |
AWS | aws_rds_reserved_instance | RDS Reserved Instance |
AWS | aws_db_snapshot | RDS Snapshot |
AWS | aws_redshift_cluster | Redshift Cluster |
AWS | aws_route53_resolver_query_log_config | Route 53 Resolver Query Log Config |
AWS | aws_route_table | Route Table |
AWS | aws_s3_bucket | S3 Bucket |
AWS | aws_sagemaker_model | SageMaker Model |
AWS | aws_savings_plan | Savings Plan |
AWS | aws_secretsmanager_secret | Secrets Manager Secret |
AWS | aws_sns_topic | SNS Topic |
AWS | aws_sqs_queue | SQS Queue |
AWS | aws_subnet | Subnet |
AWS | aws_ecs_task_definition | ECS Task Definition |
AWS | aws_transfer_server | Transfer Server |
AWS | aws_ec2_transit_gateway | EC2 Transit Gateway |
AWS | aws_instance | EC2 Instance |
AWS | aws_instance_snapshot | EC2 Instance Snapshot |
AWS | aws_ebs_volume | EBS Volume |
AWS | aws_vpc | VPC |
AWS | aws_vpc_endpoint | VPC Endpoint |
AWS | aws_flow_log | Flow Log |
AWS | aws_vpc_peering_connection | VPC Peering Connection |
AWS | aws_vpn_gateway | VPN Gateway |
AWS | aws_wafv2_web_acl | WAFv2 Web ACL |
AWS | aws_workspaces_workspace | WorkSpaces Workspace |
Azure | azurerm_application_gateway | Application Gateway |
Azure | azurerm_application_insights | Application Insights |
Azure | azurerm_app_service_plan | App Service Plan |
Azure | azurerm_firewall | Firewall |
Azure | azurerm_snapshot | Snapshot |
Azure | azurerm_container_registry | Container Registry |
Azure | azurerm_cosmosdb_account | CosmosDB Account |
Azure | azurerm_databricks_workspace | Databricks Workspace |
Azure | azurerm_managed_disk | Managed Disk |
Azure | azurerm_dns_zone | DNS Zone |
Azure | azurerm_sql_elasticpool | SQL Elastic Pool |
Azure | azurerm_express_route_circuit | ExpressRoute Circuit |
Azure | azurerm_lb | Load Balancer |
Azure | azurerm_log_analytics_workspace | Log Analytics Workspace |
Azure | azurerm_logic_app_workflow | Logic App Workflow |
Azure | azurerm_kubernetes_cluster | Kubernetes Cluster |
Azure | azurerm_nat_gateway | NAT Gateway |
Azure | azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server | PostgreSQL Flexible Server |
Azure | azurerm_postgresql_server | PostgreSQL Server |
Azure | azurerm_powerbi_dedicated_capacity | Power BI Dedicated Capacity |
Azure | azurerm_private_endpoint | Private Endpoint |
Azure | azurerm_public_ip | Public IP |
Azure | azurerm_recovery_services_vault | Recovery Services Vault |
Azure | azurerm_redis_cache | Redis Cache |
Azure | azurerm_security_center_pricing | Security Center Pricing |
Azure | azurerm_sql_database | SQL Database |
Azure | azurerm_sql_managed_instance | SQL Managed Instance |
Azure | azurerm_storage_account | Storage Account |
Azure | azurerm_synapse_workspace | Synapse Workspace |
Azure | azurerm_virtual_machine | Virtual Machine |
Azure | azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set | Virtual Machine Scale Set |
Azure | azurerm_virtual_network_gateway | Virtual Network Gateway |
google_alloydb_backup | AlloyDB Backup | |
google_alloydb_cluster | AlloyDB Cluster | |
google_alloydb_instance | AlloyDB Instance | |
google_app_engine_service | App Engine Service | |
google_bigquery_dataset | BigQuery Dataset | |
google_bigtable_instance | Bigtable Instance | |
google_compute_disk | Compute Disk | |
google_compute_instance | Compute Instance | |
google_container_cluster | Container Cluster | |
google_dataflow_job | Dataflow Job | |
google_firestore_database | Firestore Database | |
google_cloudfunctions_function | Cloud Functions Function | |
google_logging_project_bucket_config | Logging Project Bucket Config | |
google_redis_instance | Redis Instance | |
google_cloud_run_service | Cloud Run Service | |
google_secret_manager_secret | Secret Manager Secret | |
google_spanner_instance | Spanner Instance | |
google_sql_database_instance | SQL Database Instance | |
google_storage_bucket | Storage Bucket | |
Kubernetes | kubernetes_workload | Kubernetes Workload |
Confluent | confluent_kafka_cluster | Kafka Cluster |
MongoDB | mongodbatlas_cluster | Atlas Cluster |
Linode | linode_instance | Instances |
Linode | linode_node_balancer | Node Balancer |
Linode | linode_volume | Volume |
Linode | linode_object_storage | Object Storage |
Linode | linode_kubernetes_cluster | Kubernetes Clusters |
Linode | linode_image | Images |
Costs by Label
Resource costs by specific label.
resources.provider = 'aws' AND resources.label = '123456'
Costs for Specific ARN
The UUID is the unique identifier for the resource. In the case of AWS resources, this is the ARN. The below example shows a query for resources that contain specific text within the ARN.
resources.provider = 'aws' AND resources.uuid LIKE '%arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket%'
Resource Metadata Costs
Resource metadata costs require both provider
and type
as well as metadata
. Metadata uses a specific syntax (e.g., resources.metadata->>'domain' = 'vantage.sh'
resources.provider = 'aws' AND (resources.type = 'aws_cloudfront_distribution' AND resources.metadata->>'domain' = 'vantage.sh')
Filter by Tag
Filter resources based on a specific tag, such as terraform
, with the value true
, in AWS.
resources.provider = 'aws' AND (tags.name = 'terraform' AND tags.value = 'true')
Filter for Untagged Resources
On providers that have a Not Tagged filter option in the console, you can use the below VQL to see untagged resources. This example looks for untagged resources in a multi-cloud environment.
resources.provider = 'gcp' AND tags.name = NULL) OR (resources.provider = 'aws' AND tags.name = NULL