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Vantage Kubernetes Agent

The Vantage Kubernetes agent is the default, recommended configuration to ingest cost and usage data from Kubernetes clusters to Vantage. The agent is a Docker container that runs in your Kubernetes cluster. The agent collects metrics and uploads them to Vantage.


A primary provider (e.g., AWS, Azure, or GCP) is required to connect Kubernetes costs.

Agent Functionality

The Vantage Kubernetes agent relies on native Kubernetes APIs, such as kube-apiserver for metadata and kubelet for container data. Access to these APIs is controlled via Kubernetes RBAC using a Service Account and ClusterRole included in the Vantage Kubernetes agent Helm chart.

Data is periodically collected and stored for aggregation, then sent directly to the Vantage service through an API, with your Vantage API token for authentication. This process avoids extra storage costs incurred by the OpenCost integration. The agent's architecture eliminates the need for deploying OpenCost-specific Prometheus pods, which makes scaling easier.

Vantage Kubernetes agent architecture diagram

Service Compatibility

The Vantage Kubernetes agent is compatible with the following services:

  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

At this time, the agent does not support custom rates for on-premises servers. Note that this is a planned future feature. If you have an on-premises cluster and would like to track these costs, see the OpenCost documentation.

As long as the cost data for an underlying cluster instance is ingested into Vantage via a cloud integration, it is possible to calculate the corresponding pod costs.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Autopilot

For GKE Autopilot users, you don’t need to install the agent. These costs will already be present under Cost By Resource for the Kubernetes Engine service in a Cost Report.

GKE Autopilot filters on a Cost Report

Install Vantage Kubernetes Agent


The following prerequisites are required before you install the Vantage Kubernetes agent:

Create a Connection


The following steps are also provided in the Vantage Kubernetes agent Helm chart repository. See the Helm chart repository for all value configurations. If you would like to use a manifest-based option instead, see the section below

To set up a new Kubernetes agent connection:

  1. Add the repository for the Vantage Kubernetes agent Helm chart.

    helm repo add vantage
  2. Install the vantage-kubernetes-agent Helm chart. Ensure you update the values for VANTAGE_API_TOKEN (obtained in the Prerequisites above) and CLUSTER_ID (the unique value for your cluster).

    helm upgrade -n vantage vka vantage/vantage-kubernetes-agent --install --set agent.token=$VANTAGE_API_TOKEN,agent.clusterID=$CLUSTER_ID --create-namespace

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Connections

If you are creating an AKS connection, you will need to configure the following parameters to avoid AKS-specific errors:

  • Set the VANTAGE_KUBE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY environment variable to true. This setting is controlled by agent.disableKubeTLSverify within the Helm chart. For details, see the TLS verify error section.
  • Configure the VANTAGE_NODE_ADDRESS_TYPES environment variable, which is controlled by the agent.nodeAddressTypes in the Helm chart. In this case, the type to use for your cluster will most likely be InternalIP. For configuration details, see the DNS lookup error section.

Naming Your Clusters

When you name your clusters, ensure the cluster ID adheres to Kubernetes object naming conventions. While the agent does not enforce specific formats, valid characters include:

  • Lowercase and uppercase letters (a-z, A-Z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-)

In addition, when configuring the cluster ID, use a simplified, human-readable name that identifies the cluster. Avoid including full resource paths or unnecessary metadata. The cluster ID should be unique within your environment.

(Optional) Enable Collection of Annotations and Namespace Labels

You can optionally enable the collection of annotations and namespace labels.

  • Annotations: The agent accepts a comma-separated list of annotation keys, called VANTAGE_ALLOWED_ANNOTATIONS, as an environment variable at startup. To enable the collection of annotations, configure the agent.allowedAnnotations parameter of the Helm chart with a list of annotations to be sent to Vantage. Note there is a max of 10 annotations, and values are truncated after 100 characters.
  • Namespace labels: The agent accepts VANTAGE_COLLECT_NAMESPACE_LABELS as an environment variable at startup. To enable the collection of namespace labels, configure the agent.collectNamespaceLabels parameter of the Helm chart.

Manifest-Based Deployment Option

You can use helm template to generate a static manifest via the existing repo. This option generates files (YAML) so that you can then decide to deploy them however you want.

  1. Add the repository for the Vantage Kubernetes agent Helm chart.

    helm repo add vantage
  2. Generate the static manifest.

    helm template -n vantage vka vantage/vantage-kubernetes-agent --set agent.token=$VANTAGE_API_TOKEN,agent.clusterID=$CLUSTER_ID

Resource Usage

The limits provided within the Helm chart are set low to support small clusters (approximately 10 nodes) and should be considered the minimum values for deploying an agent.

Estimates for larger clusters are roughly:

  • ~1 CPU/1000 node
  • ~5 MB/node

For example, a 100-node cluster would be approximately 500 MB and 100 mCPU. These amounts are estimates, which will vary based on pod density per node, label usage, cluster activity, etc. The agent should reach an approximate steady state after about one hour of uptime and can be tuned accordingly after the fact.

To set these options, extend the --set flag. You can also include the values using one of the many options Helm supports:

--set agent.token=$VANTAGE_API_TOKEN,agent.clusterID=$CLUSTER_ID,resources.limits.memory=100Mi,resources.requests.memory=100Mi

Validate Installation

Follow the steps below to validate the agent's installation.

  1. Once installed, the agent's pod should become READY:
    ➜ kubectl -n vantage get po
    vka-vantage-kubernetes-agent-0 1/1 Running 0 54m
  2. Logs should be free of ERROR messages:
    ➜ kubectl -n vantage logs -f vka-vantage-kubernetes-agent-0
    {"time":"2023-10-23T22:01:12.065481528Z","level":"INFO","msg":"found nodes","nodes":231}
    {"time":"2023-10-23T22:01:15.471399742Z","level":"INFO","msg":"finished initializing"}
  3. Agent reporting should occur once per hour at the start of the hour and should not generate an ERROR log line. It should also attempt a report soon after the initial start:
    {"time":"2023-10-23T22:01:00.015243974Z","level":"INFO","msg":"reporting now"}
    {"time":"2023-10-23T22:01:01.168390414Z","level":"INFO","msg":"finished reporting"}
    {"time":"2023-10-23T22:01:01.169876296Z","level":"INFO","msg":"next report window","start":"2023-10-23T22:00:00Z","end":"2023-10-23T23:00:00Z","sleeping_seconds":3598.830199804}

Costs are exported from the cluster hourly and then made available nightly. It's important to note that these costs might encounter delays based on their associated cloud integration's cost data. For instance, if there is a one-day delay in an AWS Cost and Usage Report, the clusters dependent on that data will experience a similar delay.


You can view and manage your Kubernetes integration on the Kubernetes Integration page in the console. Hover over the integration in the list, and click Manage.


The agent exposes a Prometheus metrics endpoint via the /metrics endpoint, exposed by default on port 9010. This port can be changed via the Helm chart's service.port value.

The metrics endpoint includes standard Golang process stats as well as agent-related metrics for node scrape results, node scrape duration, internal data persistence, and reporting.

For users who want to monitor the agent:

  1. vantage_last_node_scrape_count{result="fail"} should be low (between 0 and 1% of total nodes). Some failures may occur as nodes come and go within the cluster, but consistent failures are not expected and should be investigated.
  2. rate(vantage_report_count{result="fail"}[5m]) should be 0. Reporting occurs within the first 5 minutes of every hour and will retry roughly once per minute. Each failure increments this counter. If the agent is unable to report within the first 10 minutes of an hour, some data may be lost from the previous window, as only the previous ~70 data points are retained.

Upgrade the Agent

To see which version of the Kubernetes agent you are running:

  1. From the top navigation, click Settings.
  2. On the side navigation, click Integrations.
  3. A list of all your provider integrations is displayed. Select the Kubernetes integration.
  4. On the Manage tab, click the settings button (looks like a cog wheel) next to a specific integration.
  5. Scroll down to the Clusters section. Each cluster that is integrated with the agent is listed along with the current agent version and indicates if the agent is out of date.
The Settings Clusters section with two sample clusters displayed along with the most recent version

To upgrade the agent, use the following command:

helm repo update && helm upgrade -n vantage vka vantage/vantage-kubernetes-agent --reuse-values

The version noted in the console for your agent is updated when cost data is imported nightly.


AKS users should remember to follow the AKS-specific instructions again when updating.

(Optional) Use S3 for Data Persistence

The agent requires a persistent store for periodic backups of time-series data as well as checkpointing for periodic reporting. The default deployment option uses a Persistent Volume and works for clusters ranging from tens to thousands of nodes; however, if Persistent Volumes are not supported with your cluster, an alternative configuration, using S3, is available for agents deployed in AWS. If you require persistence to a different object store, you can contact

Configure Agent for S3 Persistence

The agent uses IAM roles for service accounts to access the configured bucket. The default vantage namespace and vka-vantage-kubernetes-agent service account names may vary based on your configuration.

Below are the expected associated permissions for the IAM role:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Once the permissions are available, the agent can be configured to start with S3 persistence via the environment variable VANTAGE_PERSIST_S3_BUCKET or, if using the Helm chart, via the --set persist=null --set persistS3.bucket=example-bucket-name values.

The agent will write persisted data to the $CLUSTER_ID/ prefix within the bucket. Multiple agents can use the same bucket as long as they do not have overlapping CLUSTER_ID values. An optional prefix can be prepended with VANTAGE_PERSIST_S3_PREFIX resulting in $VANTAGE_PERSIST_S3_PREFIX/$CLUSTER_ID/ being the prefix used by the agent for all objects uploaded.

Common Errors

Failed to Fetch Presigned URL

A failed to fetch presigned urls error can occur for a few reasons, as described below.

API Token Error

The below error occurs when the agent attempts to fetch presigned URLs but fails due to an invalid Authorization header field value. The error log typically looks like this:

{"time":"2023-12-01T00:00:00.000000000Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to fetch presigned urls","err":"Get \"…": net/http: invalid header field value for \"Authorization\""}

This issue is typically caused by incorrect or missing API keys. Ensure the value for the VANTAGE_API_TOKEN (obtained in the Prerequisites above) is valid and properly formatted. If necessary, generate a new token and update the configuration.

404 Not Found Error

The below error occurs when the agent attempts to fetch presigned URLs but fails due to the cluster ID potentially including invalid characters. The error log typically looks like this:

{"time":"2023-12-01T00:00:00.000000000Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to fetch presigned urls","err":"unexpected response from API: 404 Not Found"}  

Review the section on Naming Your Clusters for best practices on how to name your clusters. Then, review the cluster ID in your configuration to confirm it is correct and valid. Update the configuration as needed to use a properly formatted cluster ID.

Failed to Set Up Controller Store—MissingRegion

This error occurs when the agent cannot initialize the controller store due to missing or misconfigured AWS region settings. The error log will typically look like:

failed to setup controller store  
failed to open backup: MissingRegion: could not find region configuration

This issue arises when the agent’s Service Account is not properly configured with AWS IAM roles and permissions. In this case, the agent defaults to local configuration, which lacks the necessary region configuration.

  1. Verify the Service Account configuration:
    • Check if the annotation is correctly added to the Service Account. Run the following command to inspect the configuration:
      kubectl -n vantage get serviceaccount vka-vantage-kubernetes-agent -o yaml
    • Ensure the Service Account matches the Helm Chart settings in the agent’s Helm Chart values file. This is a name that you can also set within the file.
  2. Ensure the IAM role is correctly set up:
  3. Configure S3 persistence:
    • See the Agent S3 persistence setup section for details.

      One recommendation is to ensure that the S3 bucket used for persistence is in the same region as the Kubernetes cluster to minimize latency.

  4. If necessary, recreate the pod:
    • If the Service Account appears correct and there’s still an issue, delete the agent pod to force a fresh start with the correct configuration:
      kubectl -n vantage delete pod -l

DNS Lookup Error

You may receive a DNS Lookup Error that indicates "level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to scrape node" and no such host.

The agent uses the node status addresses to determine what hostname to look up for the node's stats, which are available via the /metrics/resource endpoint. This can be configured with the VANTAGE_NODE_ADDRESS_TYPES environment variable, which is controlled by the agent.nodeAddressTypes in the Helm chart. By default, the priority order is Hostname,InternalDNS,InternalIP,ExternalDNS,ExternalIP.

To understand which type to use for your cluster, you can look at the available addresses for one of your nodes. The type corresponds to one of the configurable nodeAddressTypes.

➜  kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses}'

EOF Error When Starting

The agent uses local files for recovering from crashes or restarts. If this backup file becomes corrupted, most commonly due to OOMKill, the most straightforward approach to get the agent running again is to perform a fresh install or remove the PersistentVolumeClaim, PersistentVolume, and Pod.

An example error log line might look like:

{"time":"2023-12-01T00:00:00.000000000Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to setup data store","err":"unexpected EOF"}

To uninstall the agent via helm, run:

helm uninstall vka -n vantage

Then, follow the original installation steps outlined in the above sections.

TLS Verify Error When Scraping Nodes

The agent connects to each node to collect usage metrics from the /metrics/resources endpoint. This access is managed via Kubernetes RBAC, but in some cases, the node's TLS certificate may not be valid and will result in TLS errors when attempting this connection. This most often affects clusters in AKS. To skip TLS verify within the Kubernetes client, you can set the VANTAGE_KUBE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY environment variable to true. This setting is controlled by agent.disableKubeTLSverify within the Helm chart. This does not affect requests outside of the cluster itself, such as to the Vantage API or S3.

An example error log line might look like:

{"time":"2024-02-10T12:00:00.000000000Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"failed to scrape node","err":"Get \"\": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs","node":"aks-nodepool9ids-1234567-vm0000001"}

Once changed, you can validate the change by looking for the scraping summary log line and ensuring no more ERROR level messages appear:

{"time":"2024-02-10T12:00:00.000000000Z","level":"INFO","msg":"finished scraping metrics from nodes","success":25,"failure":0,"duration_ms":102}

Pod Scheduling Errors

The most common cause for pod scheduling errors is the persistent volume not being provisioned. By default, the agent is deployed as a StatefulSet with a persistent volume for persisting internal state. The state allows the agent to recover from a restart without losing the historical data for the current reporting window. An example error for this case would be present in the events on the vka-vantage-kubernetes-agent-0 pod and include an error that contains unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.

The resolution to this error is based on the cluster's configuration and the specific cloud provider. More information might be present on the persistent volume claim or persistent volume. For Kubernetes clusters on AWS, S3 can be used for data persistence, which is documented in the next section.

Additional provider references are also listed here:

Volume Support Error

If you see an error related to binding volumes: context deadline exceeded, this means you may not have volume support on your cluster. This error typically occurs when your cluster is unable to provision or attach persistent storage volumes required by your applications. Check your cluster's configuration and ensure the storage provider is properly set up.

Active Resources and Rightsizing Recommendations


Rightsizing recommendations require version 1.0.24 or later of the Vantage Kubernetes agent. See the upgrading section for information on how to upgrade the agent. Once the upgrade is complete, the agent will begin uploading the data needed to generate rightsizing recommendations. After the agent is upgraded or installed, recommendations will become available within 48 hours. This step is required to ensure there is enough data to make a valid recommendation. Historical data is not available before the agent upgrade, so it is recommended that you observe cyclical resource usage patterns, such as a weekly spike when you first review recommendations.

Vantage syncs Kubernetes managed workloads as active resources in your account. In cases where these workloads are identified to be overprovisioned, Vantage provides Kubernetes rightsizing recommendations. See the Cost Recommendations documentation for details on how to view rightsizing recommendations for Kubernetes workloads.


For a full guide on understanding rightsizing and how to rightsize Kubernetes workloads, see the following article in the Cloud Cost Handbook.

Migrate Costs from OpenCost to Vantage Kubernetes Agent

If you are moving from an OpenCost integration to the agent-based integration, you can contact to have your previous integration data maintained. Any overlapping data will be removed from the agent data by the Vantage team.

Maintaining OpenCost Filters

If you previously used the OpenCost integration and are transitioning to the new agent-based integration, your existing filters will be retained. It's important to note that in situations where labels contained characters excluded from Prometheus labels, such as -, the OpenCost integration received the normalized versions of those labels from Prometheus. The Vantage Kubernetes agent, on the other hand, directly retrieves labels from the kube-apiserver, resulting in more precise data. However, this change may necessitate updates to filters that previously relied on the normalized values. You can contact to have these filters converted for you.