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This page was last updated on October 16, 2024, with product updates for 0ctober 2024.

October 2024

Product Updates

  • New Azure recommendations: Additional recommendations, such as for rightsizing, were added for Azure.
  • Visual UI updates: Visual updates have been made to the look and feel of the Cost Reporting and Segments screens.
  • View as VQL: On Resource Report filters, a new button is available to see the VQL representation of a Resource Report filter.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

See September's update for the most recent Kubernetes agent release.

API Updates

  • User token endpoint: The last_seen_at field is added to the response of the /users/{user_token} endpoint.
  • Currency on workspaces: The enable_currency_conversion parameter is added to the /workspaces endpoint to enable currency conversion on workspaces.
  • Resource Reports API: The following endpoints were added to support the new Resource Reports API:
    • POST option for the /resource_reports endpoint
    • PUT option for the /resource_reports/{resource_report_token} endpoint
    • GET option for /resources endpoint
    • GET option for the /resources/{resource_token} endpoint
    • VQL is now available with its own namespace and schema to support creating and managing Resource Reports
  • vantage-go updates: Version 0.0.40 of the vantage-go library includes the following updates:
    • GET /resources added
    • GET/PUT/POST/DELETE of /resource_reports
    • PUT /workspaces can now configure currency for a workspace
    • /users API response now includes last_seen_at
  • You can now use terraform import to manage Terraform resources outside of the current state on the Terraform provider.

September 2024

Product Updates

  • Currency conversion: You can now set a presentational currency, on a per-workspace basis, to visualize cost reporting data in a currency of your choice.
  • Datadog integration update: Vantage provides a visual alert in the integration settings screen when the Datadog integration requires an update.
  • Datadog hosts costs: For cloud resources that have the Datadog agent installed, Vantage can associate Datadog per-host fees along with the primary cloud resources from AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud that drive those costs.
  • Auto-generated Datadog Resource Reports: Vantage automatically generates a Resource Report when it finds the Datadog Agent installed on relevant resources. Auto-generated reports will have a name similar to AWS EC2 Instances with the Datadog Agent Installed.
  • Visual UI updates: Visual updates have been made to the look and feel of the Cost Reporting sidebar.
  • View as VQL: On Cost Report filters, a new button is available to see the VQL representation of a Cost Report filter.
  • GitHub integration: Vantage now integrates with GitHub. See the Connecting GitHub documentation for details on how to get started.
  • New Autopilot banner: A banner is now displayed at the top of the Coverage Overview page on Autopilot when a Savings Plan is purchased.
  • Drill down on Cost Reports: You can now drill down in the Cost Report table when the report is grouped by more than three options.
  • Account search for Cost Recommendations: Organizations with many accounts can now search for an account to filter by on the Cost Recommendations screen.
  • Faster Budget loads: Performance improvements were made to the Budgets page for faster page loads.
  • Cost Report link in Slack alerts: A link to the corresponding Cost Report is now displayed on Slack budget alerts.
  • AWS Organization tags: You can now filter and group by AWS Organization tags on Cost Reports.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

  • Updated cost calculation: Kubernetes Efficiency Reporting and Rightsizing Recommendations now accurately calculate pod costs down to the minute, meaning if a pod runs for only 5 minutes within an hour, Vantage recognizes only 5 minutes of spend, rather than the full hour.
  • Version 1.0.26, Helm Chart vantage-kubernetes-agent-1.0.36, includes the following update:
    • Added support for podSecurityContext to define the security options the pod should be run with

API Updates

v0.1.27 of the Vantage Terraform Provider is now available:

  • The created_by_token is now available as an option on the vantage_budgets data source.

August 2024

Product Updates

  • Savings Planner visual updates: Visual updates were made to Savings Planner for navigability.
  • Custom Providers integration: Custom Providers are now available as an integration option, so you can connect any of your providers to Vantage using the FinOps FOCUS schema.
  • Cost Report and Dashboard header visual updates: Visual updates were made to Cost Report and Dashboard headers for better organization and navigation.
  • Provider icons visual improvements: On the main Virtual Tags and Cost Reporting screens, visual updates were made to include provider icons next to each report or virtual tag in the list.
  • Autopilot for AWS Savings Plans: Autopilot for AWS Savings Plans is now available, which allows Vantage to purchase Compute Savings Plans commitments on your behalf, with manual and automated options.
  • Account filter matching: For cost providers, like AWS, that have human-readable account names, you can now wildcard-match on account names in Cost Report filters (e.g., set a filter, like Account contains dev).
  • Total costs by date: On Cost Reports, the Total Costs row is displayed when you change the table display to By Date.
  • Set default dashboard: You can set the default dashboard that's displayed for a team or individual users when they log in to Vantage.
  • Additional GCP Active Resources: The following GCP services were added and synced as active resources:
    • Cloud AlloyDB clusters, instances, and backups
    • Cloud Container clusters
    • Cloud Functions functions
    • Memorystore for Redis instances
    • Secrets Manager secrets

Kubernetes Agent Updates

See May's update for the most recent Kubernetes agent release.

API Updates

  • The following API endpoints were released along with the Custom Providers feature:
    • /integrations/custom_provider endpoint to create a Custom Provider
    • /integrations/{integration_token}/costs.csv endpoint to upload a Custom Provider CSV file
    • /integrations/{integration_token}/costs/{user_costs_upload_token} endpoint to delete a Custom Provider CSV file
    • /integrations/{integration_token}/costs endpoint to list all uploaded CSV files for a Custom Provider

July 2024

Product Updates

  • Dynamic Cost Allocation: Dynamic cost allocation, which is the process of allocating costs based on another existing cost or metric, is now available. See the Virtual Tagging documentation for details.
  • Workspace access updates: If you are granted access via RBAC to a report in a workspace outside your regularly accessed workspace, when you access the link to the report, you will have temporary access to the new workspace and can view the items that you were granted access to.
  • Share reports across workspaces: You can now share report links across different workspaces. For example, if you're in Workspace A and open a report link from Workspace B, you'll be automatically switched to Workspace B to view the report. Previously, a 404 error was displayed.
  • GCP active resources: GCP active resources are now synced and available to filter within Resource Reports.
  • GCP cost recommendations: Recommendations are now available for GCP Compute rightsizing and commitments.
  • Grouped report forecasts: You can now view forecasts for bar charts when they are grouped.
  • Flow weight on Network Flow Reports: You can now change the Sankey diagram to be weighted by either costs or bytes on Network Flow Reports.
  • Save as new on reports: On existing reports, like a Cost Report, you can now click Save as New at the top to create a new report based on the current report's filters.
  • Vantage for MSPs: Vantage for MSPs is a new set of features for managed service providers. Learn more on the Partners website.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

See May's update for the most recent Kubernetes agent release.

API Updates

  • Costs endpoint updates: The /costs endpoint has been updated with the ability to specify settings parameters for returned costs, like credits, refunds, etc.
  • Cost Report endpoint updates: The /cost_reports endpoint has been updated to include the following parameters for POST and PUT:
    • previous_period_start_date
    • previous_period_end_date
    • start_date
    • end_date
    • date_interval
    • chart_type
    • date_bin
  • Two version updates were released of the Terraform provider:
    • v0.1.23 is based on the above API changes, including new parameters for the vantage_cost_report resource and the vantage_cost_reports data source.
    • v0.1.24 adds support for dynamic cost allocation on the virtual_tag_config resource.

June 2024

Product Updates

  • Visual UI updates: Visual updates have been made to the look and feel of the main navigation and related Active Resources screens.
  • New dashboard widgets: Resource Reports are a new widget option on dashboards.
  • Data transfer cost visibility: Network Flow Reports are available to provide visibility by source and destination to the flows within your network that are driving costs.
  • New active resources: VPC Flow Logs are now synced as active resources.
  • VPC Flow Logs active resources tab: The VPC Flow Logs tab is available on the Active Resources screen for resources that generate network traffic. This tab shows network flows for related resources.
  • Network costs: A new Network Costs button is displayed on Cost Reports for resources that generate network costs, like NAT Gateways.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

See May's update for the most recent Kubernetes agent release.

API Updates

New /integrations endpoints are available:

  • GET /integrations: retrieves all existing integrations
  • POST /integrations/azure: creates a new Azure integration
  • POST /integrations/gcp: creates a new GCP integration
  • DELETE /integrations/{integration_token}: deletes a specific integration
  • GET /integrations/{integration_token}: gets information about an existing integration
  • PUT /integrations/{integration_token}: updates workspace access for an existing integration

May 2024

Product Updates

  • Visual UI updates: Visual updates have been made to the look and feel of the Budgets, Business Metrics, Cost Recommendations, Active Resources, and Resource Reports screens.
  • Segments RBAC: Users with the editor role can now update segments.
  • MongoDB tags: Tags are now available as a filtering dimension for MongoDB Cost Reports.
  • Forecasted performance of a budget: Future budget periods are now displayed and compared to forecasts on Cost Reports.
  • Reserved Instance recommendations: Reserved Instance recommendations now include a link to Autopilot with split-out categories and usage.
  • Negative cost axis: The range of the cost axis on Cost Reports is updated to include negative values. This is visible in cases where costs may be negative due to things like credits.
  • Vantage University: Vantage University is available on the docs site and includes a set of videos for getting started with Vantage.
  • Labeled business metrics: Labeled business metrics are available to identify the source of a metric—like an associated application or cost center.
  • Kubernetes GPU idle costs: For each Kubernetes pod, you can now view the idle and total costs for NVIDIA GPU usage within a Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

  • Version 1.0.26, Helm Chart vantage-kubernetes-agent-1.0.34, includes the following updates:
    • Support is now available for NVIDIA GPU exporters.
    • Fargate nodes are now ignored.
  • Version 1.0.25, Helm Chart vantage-kubernetes-agent-1.0.33, includes the following update:
    • The report_http_proxy flag is available to supply during configuration. HTTP proxy is used for the HTTP client that calls Vantage and S3 during periodic reports. Overrides HTTP_PROXY in the event both are specified.

API Updates

  • Cost recommendations endpoint: The /recommendations endpoint automates the retrieval of cost recommendations. The endpoint includes filtering options for parameters like category and provider.
  • Integrations endpoint: The /integrations endpoint automates the retrieval of information about existing integrations. You can also send a DELETE call to delete existing integrations.
  • Segment tokens in budgets: The cost_report_token parameter of the /budgets endpoint now accepts segment tokens (in addition to Cost Report tokens).
  • Business metrics endpoint updates: With the release of labeled business metrics, the /business_metrics endpoint is updated to include a label object as part of the values array of objects.

April 2024

Product Updates

  • Visual navigation improvements: A Create New menu for quick actions is available on the top navigation bar.
  • Datadog metrics: Business metrics have been updated with the option to directly ingest Datadog metrics.
  • New virtual tagging feature: Virtual tagging is available to consistently tag costs across providers in Vantage. This feature can help to increase tagging coverage across your cloud infrastructure.
  • New rightsizing recommendations: Kubernetes rightsizing recommendations are now available for rightsizing managed workloads in Kubernetes.
  • New to active resources: Kubernetes managed workloads are synced as active resources in Vantage.
  • Expanded forecasts: Forecasts have been expanded to include the upcoming month, the next three months, and six months ahead.
  • Kubernetes agent version: The Clusters section of the Kubernetes agent settings screen is updated to show cluster name, version, and indicate if the cluster is out of date.
  • Expanded chart options: Expanded chart options are available for Cost Reports, including expanded date bin selections for area and line charts and multi-line charts for grouped data.
  • API service tokens: Users with owner-level permissions can now create API service tokens for authenticating with the Vantage API at the account level, rather than being associated with a specific user.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

See March's update for the most recent Kubernetes agent release.

API Updates

March 2024

Product Updates

  • Saved filters on dashboards: You can now add a saved filter to a dashboard to view all Cost Reports on the dashboard with consistent filters applied.
  • Updated Overview page: Associated budget and per unit costs are now displayed on Cost Report widgets on the Overview page.
  • Updated UI look and feel: Visual improvements were made to the look and feel of the Overview and Budgets screens.
  • Segments sync status: Cost allocation segments are now updated to show segment sync status. The look and feel of this page have been visually updated as well.
  • Filterable cost recommendations: Recommendations are now filterable by provider on the Cost Recommendations screen.
  • Pie chart option: You can now change the graph view on Cost Reports to a pie chart.
  • Custom date filtering: The date picker on Cost Reports is updated to allow for custom period selections.
  • Custom Databricks pricing: Custom discounts are now supported for Databricks SKU groups.

Kubernetes Agent Updates

The following versions were released this month.

  • Version 1.0.24 includes the following update:

    • Supports monitoring ArgoCD resources in the cluster.
  • Version 1.0.23 includes the following updates:

    • labels are now allowed.
    • Agent scrape results are added to agent metadata.
    • Prometheus metrics are added for tracking reporting successes/failures.
    • Dependencies are updated to the latest stable versions.
    • Additional controller metadata is included in agent reports for use in Active Resources.

API Updates

  • New tagged option: On the /cost_reports endpoint in the API, and the vantage_cost_report resource in the Terraform provider, tagged is a valid option for the groupings parameter.
  • New dashboard parameter: The saved_filter_tokens parameter is now available on the /dashboards endpoint. It is also available on the vantage_dashboard resource in the Terraform provider.
  • New Terraform resources: Additional Terraform resources are now available:
    • The vantage_segment resource automates the creation of cost allocation segments in Vantage. Large segment hierarchies can easily be automated with filters applied as needed.
    • The vantage_team resource automates the creation of Vantage teams. Create a team and assign Vantage users, by email, to the team.
    • The vantage_access_grant resource automates access grants via role-based access controls in Vantage. Create grants to allow or deny teams access to resources, like folders or Cost Reports.
    • The vantage_report_notification resource automates the creation of Cost Report notifications. Create a notification for a specific Cost Report. Specify the notification’s frequency (e.g., daily) and change (e.g., in dollars).
  • Terraform data sources: Data sources are now available to retrieve information outside your Terraform configuration.
  • Business metrics endpoint: The /business_metric endpoint is now available to create and update business metrics in the console.

February 2024

Product Updates

  • Ability to group by multiple tags: You can now group by multiple tags in the console.
  • EC2 rightsizing recommendations: New recommendations are added for rightsizing EC2 instances.
  • Segment settings: You can now edit the default report settings on a top-level segment report.
  • Updated UI look and feel: Visual updates were made to Financial Planning menus and screens.
  • Financial Commitment Reports: Financial commitment reports are now available to help you understand how your organization is utilizing financial commitments.
  • Bulk actions for folders and Cost Reports: You can now move and star folders and Cost Reports in bulk.
  • Additional operators on resource reports: The is greater than and is less than operators are both available for Metadata filters on resource reports. For example: where Metadata CloudWatch Log Groups Retention in Days is greater than 5.

API Updates

  • New notifications endpoint: The /report_notifications endpoint is now available. This endpoint also now has support via the Terraform provider.
  • Multi-tag support: The groupings parameter of the /costs endpoint has support for multiple tags.
  • Data sources in Terraform: Data sources for multiple Vantage resources are now available in the Terraform provider.
  • Segment costs: You can now obtain costs for segment reports from the /costs endpoint.
  • Settings options on segments: The report_settings object is now available on the /segments endpoint.
  • Settings on Cost Reports: The settings object is now available on the /cost_reports endpoint.

January 2024

Product Updates

  • PlanetScale support: PlanetScale is now supported as a provider in Vantage.
  • Updated UI look and feel: The Settings UI and main navigation bar are visually updated for better navigability.
  • Charge Type filter and group: Charge Type is available as a new filter and grouping category on Cost Reports.
  • Created by column: The Created by column is added to Business Metrics, Savings Models, as well as Cost Reporting screens, like Dashboards.
  • Created On column sort: The Created On column, available on Cost Reporting screens, correctly sorts by date.
  • Created by me filter: The Created by me filter screen is available in Cost Reporting. New reports you create will now be visible within this view.
  • Tag grouping for advanced exports: The advanced export on Cost Reports now has a Tag grouping option.
  • "Other" grouping expanded: The Other grouping is expanded on Cost Reports so you can display additional costs, beyond what's already displayed, in the table and graph.
  • Cost Reports line and area charts: When grouping by specific criteria, you can now adjust the Cost Report graph to be displayed as an area chart or line chart, with a line for each group.
  • Searchable Business Metrics Report dropdown: The Report dropdown menu on the Business Metrics screen is now searchable.

API Updates

  • Priority added to PUT request for segments: The priority parameter is available on the /segments/{segment_token} endpoint.
  • New groupings parameter: The groupings parameter is available on the /costs endpoint.
  • Access grant endpoint update: Update/destroy endpoints for /access_grant now use the access grant token to identify an access grant.

December 2023

Product Updates

  • Expanded recommendations: Cost recommendations have been expanded for Azure.
  • Kubernetes efficiency reports: Kubernetes efficiency reports allow teams to quickly identify which Kubernetes pods are running inefficiently. These reports are a customized view of Kubernetes idle and total costs based on Cluster, Namespace, and Label.
  • Official Kubernetes integration: The Vantage Kubernetes agent provides a single in-cluster deployment that handles both metrics collection and upload to Vantage—without any intermediary requirements.

API Updates

  • Cost allocations segment API: Script both the creation and modification of cost allocation segments via new API endpoints.

November 2023

Product Updates

  • Automatic team assignment for SSO: Automatically assign users to teams in Vantage based on your organization's existing SSO groups.
  • Confluent support: Confluent is now supported as a provider in Vantage.
  • Team-based access controls: Enterprise customers can now use role-based access control to create fine-grained permissions for teams across their organizations.

October 2023

Product Updates

  • Resource report exports: You can now download lists of resources for further exploration via resource reports.

September 2023

Product Updates

  • Annotations for reports: You can now add annotations to Cost Reports for infrastructure changes or events.
  • Oracle support: Oracle is now supported as a provider in Vantage.
  • Dashboards: You can now create dashboards with custom collections of Cost Reports and apply date range and period filters to all reports present on them.

API Updates

  • Write API: The new write API automates the management of Cost Reports, saved filters, and dashboards.
  • New Terraform resources: New Terraform resources are available for Cost Reports, folders, saved filters, and dashboards.

August 2023

Product Updates

  • Alert thresholds for anomaly detection: Set custom alert thresholds on cost anomaly alerts, so alerts are tailored to your tolerance for cost spikes.
  • Comparative cost reporting: Cost Reports now have a By Date toggle to display costs by day, week, or month in the costs table.
  • Budget alerts: You can now create budget alerts to receive automated notifications when costs exceed user-defined alert thresholds.

July 2023

Product Updates

  • Datadog support: Datadog is now supported as a provider in Vantage.
  • Multi-dimensional cost reporting: You can now group Cost Reports by multiple dimensions.

June 2023

Product Updates

  • GCP resource-level costs: Resource-level costs are available for GCP Cost Reports.
  • Resource reports: You can create resource reports to view and access resources generated per provider.

May 2023

Product Updates

April 2023

Product Updates

  • Self-service SAML: Users can now configure SAML-based SSO for their account without contacting Vantage support.
  • Saved filters: Saved filters are available to save and reuse filter logic across multiple Cost Reports.
  • Azure cost recommendations: Azure cost recommendations are now supported.

March 2023

Product Updates

  • Cost Report exports: You can now export Cost Reports via custom exports.
  • Per-unit cost support: With per-unit costs, you can track costs per customer, endpoint, transaction, etc.

API Updates

  • Terraform provider: Terraform provider is now available to integrate AWS accounts with Vantage.

February 2023

Product Updates

  • New Relic support: New Relic is now supported as a provider in Vantage.
  • Expanded resource filtering: You can now filter by resource in Cost Reports.
  • MongoDB Atlas support: MongoDB Atlas is now supported as a provider in Vantage.

January 2023

Product Updates

  • Updates to Cost Reports: You can now save custom date ranges, date bins, and groupings to share with teammates in Cost Reports.
  • Autopilot recommendations expanded: Autopilot is expanded to recommend Reserved Instance purchases on RDS, ElastiCache, Redshift, and OpenSearch.
  • Cost allocation segments: Segments are now enabled for teams to allocate costs to business units.